Acta Artis Academica 2020

The Colour Theme

David Hradil, Janka Hradilová, Silvie Švarcová, Eva Kočí (eds.)

Sborník obsahuje příspěvky ze 7. mezioborové konference ALMA s názvem "The Colour Theme", která se konala ve dnech 16.10. – 18.10. 019 v Univerzitní knihovně v Bratislavě. Příspěvky jsou otištěny pouze v anglickém jazyce.
Sborník byl vydán díky finanční podpoře Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze (Institucionální podpora) a Strategie AV21 (Akademie věd ČR).


EDITORIAL – Colour as a Theme / David Hradil and Janka Hradilová
Cristina Serendan, Ciprian Firea, Simina Ișvanca, Alexandru Chelmuș
Original colours and painting technique of two 17th century post-byzantine icons

Jitka Šrejberová, Janka Hradilová
Original colours – one of the keys to interpretation of mediaeval works of art

Anabelle Križnar, Jana Želinská
Changing and disappearing colors in medieval wall paintings – examples from selected Slovak murals around 1400

Silvia Garrappa, Silvie Švarcová, Eva Kočí, Janka Hradilová, Petr Bezdička, David Hradil
Lead soaps in paintings: symptoms and the role of humidity

Andrea Urland, Eva Šperka
When colour is more than pigments - the challenges of restoring architectural colour schemes

Konstantinos Stoupathis
Developing a conservation strategy for the retouching of fluorescent paintings: the case study Greek H. Lambert

Aldona Jędrusik
Sharing experiences in conservation – between art and show

Anna Klisińska-Kopacz, Michał Obarzanowski, Paulina Krupska, Anna Rygula, Julio del Hoyo Melendez
Jan Cybis, leader of the colourists painter‘s group: analysis of the artist‘s painting technique using spectroscopic methods

Luboš Machačko
Interdisciplinary research of painting technique of Josef Ceregetti on selected artworks

Boris Blatný, Janka Hradilová, Zuzana Ludiková, Radoslav Ragač, Stanislava Trginová
Interpretation of the painting the infant Saint John the Baptist with the lamb by Melchiorre Gherardini

Sara Jordi, Monika Blaser, Robert Sterchi, Jan Inauen, Daniel M. Meier
Identifying pure and applied JunFunori® – an algae-based consolidant

Michal Pech, Janka Hradilová
Identification of miniature paintings’ pigments using correlations of MA-XRF element maps

Irina Petroviciu, Ileana Crețu
Scale insect sources of dyes in textiles from Romanian collections

Zuzana Širillová, Lenka Hřebřinová, Janka Hradilová, Michal Pech, Olga Trmalová
Hidden pigments in portrait miniatures – Purple of Cassius

Christoph Herm
Emerald green versus Scheele’s green: evidence and occurrence

Sylwia Svorová Pawełkowicz, Michał Witkowski, Petr Svora, Barbara Wagner
Historic paint investigation of the Gierczyn parish church painted decoration in the context of the mining history of the region

Vydala Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, NLN,s.r.o.
ISBN: 978-80-88366-14-0
Prosinec 2020

Cena: 500,- Kč vč. 10% DPH